So that your house is not bored, only a few details are necessary that they achieve that it happens of “normal“ to be a different hearth. Here we give you some ideas …
1.Acidic shelves of the line Fluoshop. You will be able to use them for what you want and to mount where more it longs for you them, but that you know that the place that you choose, will turn out to be wrapped of a spectacular innovative style and of a light of happy, because the acrylic material that they them form, is illuminated when it is crossed by the light.
Three installation fonts exist: of wall, soil / roof and autoamble, according to the ambience that you prefer to create. Bold, modern and with a puntito exhibitionist.
PVPR: To consult point of sale
2.Portavelas for bottle. Only you need a bottle to be an original and to surprise your guests in your next dinner. A few lines sugerentes and a simple design, they are mixed to create this only and personal portavelas. Sometimes in the simplest thing there is the detail that dials the difference up.
PVPR: 28 euros
3.Doll Kokeshi. A very special gift that comes from the north region of Japan and dates of the XIXth century. These dolls realized in wood, symbolize the oriental beauty and traditionally it was the peasants who were preparing them to hand and were offering them to attract the luck. There are several different dolls and each one represents a different spirit. The love, the friendship, the knowledge … Give yourself one with message.
PVPR: 30 euros
4.Barbarian pitcher. You can use it as a water pitcher or a decanter of wines, using the crystal ball amethyst as a stopper, since this ball has a rough part so that it could not fall down on having moved the pitcher.
Also you can choose to place the ball in the low part and give him a use of vase of flowers or decorative element. In any case, the object in itself is already slightly common and worth being admired.
PVPR: 66 euros
5.Carpet Lluna. Francisco Cumellas has designed the carpet Lluna, a model that will make possible to create the carpet that you were dreaming: elegant, firm and soft. It is made of completely handmade form of wool and of short hair. Lluna has wide fan of colors of the most varied thing that it allows to merge between themselves contributing a happier air to your hearth. Also, you have the option to customize the carpet with special forms and even to reproduce drawings. Available in different measurements for making it to your taste.
PVPR: 267 euros (m2)
For Maria Víllora
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